
Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls.
~ David Thomas
How our meals get from our kitchen to your home
Each weekday that we make meals, there is a crew of dedicated volunteer drivers who delivers those meals to our clients' homes. Drivers arrive at the Meals on Wheels kitchen Each day has a lead driver who checks route lists for daily changes and makes sure each route's driver has the correct number of meals for the clients on their route.
Some of the drivers on certain days arrive at the kitchen early and help stir pots, wash dishes, fill lunch bags, and plate the hot meal. Many of our drivers are long-time meal delivery veterans, and have fostered close relationships with our clients. Our drivers are also much of the muscle for the behind-the-scenes work like moving refrigerators or freezers, dump runs, carpentry needs, and countless other duties and tasks that need attention.
Sonoma Meals on Wheels drivers very often are the only consistent Monday - Friday contact our clients have. Some of our drivers have even been responsible for providing life-saving support in emergency situations when a client has been incapacitated in some way. We recognize that we have a unique position in our clients' lives to be an extra set of eyes and ears which can support them and/or their families in times of special need.
Sonoma Meals on Wheels drivers are the "face" of Meals on Wheels to our clients and a daily contact for them. The meal deliveries our drivers make are a crucial part of our mission to help our clients retain their self-sufficiency and independence.